Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Great Cookie Experiment

If it wasn't for backorders, we'd be pretty much done. Don't these companies know that we need these things NOW! OK, not really, but still. The fridge, doors and "chandelier" are still MIA.

In the meantime, we've got trim around the big window, kitchen window and door to the living room.

We've also got an oven now! I always thought ovens were just kitchen fire safes. Who knew you could heat up just the inside and cook something! Awesome!
The chimney for the vent hood is sitting on the cooktop. It still needs to be attached, obviously.

And what better way to break in a new oven, than with COOKIES!!!

We've also done several loads of laundry without incident, in case you might be wondering what else might have happened with that. So far, so good.

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