Friday, August 27, 2010

Time to Move

Maybe it's time to move.  Not from the house necessarily, but from Arlington.

Remember in the last post I anticipated the building inspector being a pinhead?
I was overestimating him.

Zippy showed up and had a problem with having a gas water heater in the garage, even though that's where the old one was, that's where it was on the approved plans, and that the very first question on the FAQ from the City of Arlington site about building permits deals with gas water heaters in the garage and the fact that they have to be elevated.  You can't elevate something that shouldn't be there. Before he was through, he decided that the problem was in placement; the car could possibly sideswipe it when entering or exiting the garage.  Again, the water heater is exactly where it is on the approved plan.

His solution? Build a closet for it in front of the car, since no one ever drives through the front of the garage, puts the car into drive instead of reverse, needs to get into the trunk so you pull in just a little to far, etc. Yeah, much safer there. Pinhead.

Our solution?  We're going to get a tankless gas water heater and mount it high on the wall where we moved the plumbing and gas to for the current water heater. You know, the location from the approved plan.

Anyway, Zippy's coming back today to do the insulation inspection.  Joy.

We'll leave you with a quiet picture showing that everyone in the house misses the kitchen.  The work area is not accessible to the cats during construction due to the temporary wall in the living room, but we let them in to explore sometimes and YoYo always immediately looks to see if his window is still there. Yesterday he just just went to his window and just sat for awhile.

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